Holiday Entertaining Guide

OVERVIEW Hosting should be fun! Holiday entertaining can be relatively stress-free with the right tools and preparation. Your most important job as a host is to create a fun, memorable, and meaningful experience for your guests. Keep it simple and relaxed, don’t worry if everything is perfect. IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS Paying attention to details and taking individual needs into account makes your guests feel seen and valued. This can be anything from addressing dietary restrictions to providing boxes or Tupperware to take leftovers home. You want people to feel comfortable and welcome in your home. This can mean adjusting...
Written by: Elizabeth McCabe
Cocktail Recipe: Grown Up Cherry Cola

Ingredients 4 oz Bourbon (we suggest Russell's Reserve 10 Year) 1 Tbsp Grenadine (we suggest Quince & Apple Tart Cherry Grenadine) Cola (we suggest Boylan Cane Cola) Ice Cocktail Cherries (we suggest Jack Rudy Bourbon Cocktail Cherries) Directions Pour the bourbon and grenadine into a lowball glass and stir until combined. Add ice and top with cola. Garnish with cocktail cherries as desired. *For more cherry flavor, add a second tbsp of grenadine. Tools of the Trade Rocks Glass. These glasses have octagonal bodies, which makes them easier to handle than their round counterparts. Perfect for parties or if you're just plain accident-prone. $3.99/ea...
Written by: Andrea Tudor
Cocktail Recipe: Germain & Gin

Written by: Andrea Tudor
The Power of the Mixer

Whether you are a drinker of whiskey, gin, vodka, or rum, there is a suitable mixer that can both stretch the lifespan of your spirit as well as enhance the taste. Most commonly, drinkers use mixers to dilute the harsh burn of strong spirits. This will also lower the alcohol by volume and allow a person to drink more. While cocktails are making a comeback, mixers have regained superior importance. When you consider the fact that your mixer can account for anywhere from 25%-75% of your drink, it is pivotal that the mixer is of good quality. Here’s a look...
Written by: Dan Simnor
Are Craft Mixers Worth the Extra Buck?

With the advance of well-crafted cocktails, it only makes sense that premium mixers would become just as much a priority as the liquor in the cocktails. Luckily for cocktail aficionados and amateurs alike, the craft cocktail boom has made premium, unique mixers for your home bar more readily available. Premium craft mixers are essential for maintaining the quality of craft cocktails. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for, and that is especially true in the mixer aisle. The cheap mixers and sodas that crowd supermarket shelves are filled with synthetic sweeteners and artificial ingredients that...
Written by: Adam Sternberger