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Severino Spinach Stuffed Rigatoni

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For over 50 years, Severino has been the place to find authentic, artisanal hand made pasta in the tri-state region. Their company is one steeped in a rich tradition that started right at their kitchen table in Westmont, N.J.

Today, that core value of fresh, homemade pasta is what drives the Severino family. They create 100% Semolina flour pasta, which is unsurpassed in texture, color, and quality. It’s a recipe they've developed 45 years ago, before home made and fresh was trendy. It sounds like such a simple thing: provide fresh, quality foods and ingredients. Which is why we’ve been doing just that for 40 years.

This product is only available for Local Delivery and In-store Pickup.

Lola's Cafe
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