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What is Pét-Nat?

Written by: Andrea Tudor

What is Pét-Nat?

If you’re looking to change up your bubbly routine, Pét-Nat is a great place to start. Short for pétillant naturel, or "naturally sparkling," Pet-Nat is the natural, authentic, untamed version of sparkling wine. It's Champagne in flip flops. 

Crafted from white and red grapes alike, Pét-Nat is made in the “methode ancestral.” The winemaker takes a wine that's still-fermenting and they bottle it before its finished, allowing the wine to complete fermentation in the bottle. The result? Easy-drinking, slightly fizzy wines that are generally low in alcohol—perfect for casual sipping.

How do you know if a wine is Pét-Nat? A crown-style cap is often a good indicator. You can also look for the words "pétillant natural," "méthode ancestrale," or "col fondo" on the label.

Here are some of our favorites:

Maloof L'Eau Epicee

Sustainably farmed and produced by a husband & wife duo who came up with a new way of creating sparkle, this slightly hazy sparkling white blend is as fun and enjoyable to drink as we had hoped. Don't let summer end without you trying a bottle of this "spicy water."

End of Nowhere Sparkling Zinfandel Rosé

Planning an end-of-summer seafood feast? This bright, fun, and refreshing Pét-Nat is a must-try. It's naturally produced, made of 100% red zin, and we can't get enough of it. 

Il Farneto Frisant Rosado

This 100% Lambrusco Grasparossa is fermented with native yeasts and protected by minimal use of sulfites. Grab a Roberta's Wood Fired Pizza from The Market and a bottle of this crisp biodynamic wine for your next pizza night!

FRV100 Sparkling Gamay

This delightful and refreshing pet-nat is made entirely of organically farmed gamay, a red grape typically associated with Beaujolais. It's “medium-dry” (meaning gently sweet*), fruit-forward, and just 7.5% ABV--perfect for sipping outside with friends on a warm afternoon!

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