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Chillable Red Wines to Enjoy While the Weather is Still Warm

Written by: Andrea Tudor

Chillable Red Wines to Enjoy While the Weather is Still Warm

Chillable Reds are perfect for late summer and early fall. They have the same refreshing thirst-quenching qualities of rosé, but with a bit more complexity and substance. The perfect accompaniment to anything charred on the grill and a staff favorite for pizza night, chillable reds are fun, casual, and made to be enjoyed today.

You may normally think of red wine as intense, aged, and rich, but “chillable” reds aim for the opposite criteria:

  • Low tannins

  • Juicy & fruit-forward

  • Refreshing acidity

  • Light- or medium-bodied

  • Little to no oak

  • Low ABV

Chilled red wine should be served around 50–60˚F, but you don’t need a fancy wine fridge to do this. You can...

  • Put your bottle in ice water for 15-20 minutes before serving

  • Put your bottle in the refrigerator for 30-45 minutes before serving

  • Store your bottle in the refrigerator and take it out 1 hour before serving

Here’s are some chillable reds you’ll find in our glasses these days:

Las Jaras Glou Glou

“Glou-glou” is the French term for “glug-glug,” the sound of gulping an easy-drinking wine. This chuggable blend is the perfect warm-weather red. With intense berry notes, it's great for sipping (or gulping) on its own, yet has enough acid to stand up to your favorite tomato sauce.

End of Nowhere Phantom Limb Zinfandel

This is not your typical Zin! This natural red from California has fresh, fruity flavors that are thoroughly delightful. Perfect for a late summer BBQ.

The winemaker only made 125 cases of this vintage, so run, don't walk, to get a bottle while you still can!

Staffelter Hof Little Red Riding Wolf Spätburgunder

Savory, fatty foods like pizza work great with the acid and fruit of this organic Spätburgunder (German Pinot Noir). So if you don’t have dinner plans yet, grab a bottle from Lola’s Little Shop and have yourself a casual pizza night!

Christina St. Laurent

Organic, earth-friendly, and female-owned & operated, this zippy and slightly effervescent red from Austria delivers. Just like the grapes it's made out of, this wine is perfectly suited for the warm days and cool nights of late summer and early fall.

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